Before I got married I am very conscious about how I look. I adored the skinny look but mind you I am not an anorexic nor any close to those eating disorder problems. Firstly, I have never been really fat. I was thinking that if I gain weight I would grow heavy and if I grow heavy I could never do the things that I love let alone carry myself to anywhere i want. I weight myself every week to check if the scales have ticked to undesired weight. I exercised a lot just to keep my self to my ideal skinny look.
When I got married everything became a concern particularly gaining weight. My folks always teased me that I will finally get the chance to fill in some meat inside that skin of mine I call body. Few months later the dreaded thing happen. I got pregnant. I am very happy, of course, that my husband and I are going to be parents. I was so happy, floating to cloud nine happy. I couldn't believe I could be pregnant. That I am capable of procreating! A few weeks later, reality sinked in. My husband always reminded me to be careful because I am carrying our little tyke inside me. Thus I can no longer sprint nor do wall climbing at our local sports center.
When I hit the scales, imagine to my horror! I gained not a few grams or a pound. I became

I then consulted my doctor about my exercising. She said I can still do some exercises that is not too strenuous to endanger me and the baby. Exercising helps especially during delivery. So the best I could come up with is walking. With my bulging tummy I could hardly get myself to wear a bathing suit to take a few laps in the public pool. This is also attributed to my paranoia that I might get infections and other dreaded diseases while swimming in the public pool which could endanger my baby.
With this line of thinking, it finally hit me that I am becoming a mommy. I am no longer the selfish and vain skinny girl that I used to be. I became resolute to help my baby develop inside me well and healthy to give him a good chance at life. I ate a lot vegetables, I drank plenty of water, do some walk exercises and read a lot of articles on pregnancy.
Days passed and I could hardly recognize the person standing in front of the mirror. I grew so big and could hardly see my own toes. I am still conscious about my weight though. I make it a point that I am within the limits approved by my doctor.
Becoming a mother has slowly changed my way of thinking. My pregnancy alone have put on hold my personal interests. So what if I have grown big. I can always shed the pounds I gained after giving birth to my precious baby.

I am so proud having a bloated tummy. Being fat and pregnant is not horrible after all. In fact it is one of the happiest moments of my life and I bet there's more to come when my baby comes out.
keep it up
hi.i wish you all the best.it's great to be a mum.
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